Just a brief hello.

I've inserted a blog section, so as things upgrade & improve I can provide a little more more information than 140 characters allows - as much as I love Twitter.

It's also a move to allow better feedback for & integration with you guys.

The comment system is run by Disqus, who are basically the best & largest comment system out there. You sign up with them once, register a picture etc, & can then comment without needing a sign-in on thousands of blogs across the web. A bit different if you've never seen it before, but thoroughly awesome.

I've also upgraded the hell out of the communication with Twitter. Twitter can be pretty unreliable, so I've done all I can to mitigate that - and make it a lot more visually obvious what's going on.

Oh, and once you've requested a report, you can come back here any time & it'll be accessible from the front page. It'll tell you who you're signed in as (if you have multiple accounts), & there is a direct link both to your report, or if you'd like to rerun the report, one click & it'll be done.

Anyway, have a play. I look forward to getting your feedback.