Someone not following you back isn't, strictly speaking, dodgy.
However, you asked, so (after three years of debating it with myself) I've delivered. It was only a couple of hours work, but I really don't want to do anything that will make Twitter a worse place for us all. Hence mulling it for so long. Frankly, even now I'm still a little undecided.
Accounts will only appear in this category if they don't already appear in one of the other categories.
The category is ordered by time. Those you followed first appear first, with the most recent follows at the end. Unfortunately, we can't get the exact follow dates, since Twitter doesn't provide this information.
The usual caveats apply. Someone who's not following you back won't appear on your report if:
- You have them on one of your lists
- You have talked to them (or they to you) recently
- (more on this later) you have them whitelisted
And, as usual, if you don't agree with the category, or you think it's all a load of baloney, please feel free to ignore it completely.
No comment on this report per se, except to mention that you might have to update your FAQs now that you've got this additional report. And also LOVE YOUR WORK. This service rocks and I really appreciate all the effort you put into it.
Cheers, Priya
Ha ha. Well spotted, thank you.
I'd already updated the list of categories, on the faq - but missed that I had an entire question on the subject :)
Thank you.