It was brought to my attention recently that people were using the & URL shortening services to track who clicked through from their profiles.
I have to admit this is something that hadn't occurred to me when I first wrote The Twit Cleaner (I didn't realise some URL shorteners did this).
I investigated a bit more deeply, & my conclusion is that spammers in general aren't using shortened URLs in their profiles so much these days. In fact, the number of people appearing on the report vs the number of "bad guys" was way too high.
So, I've removed that sub category from the report altogether. No point in just showing a bunch of shy (or stats geeks like myself) people on there. I've also removed the "No bio no url" sub category, since there was a similarly high false positive rate there. This means the entire "Secretive" category has now disappeared. One or two profiles will still show for the next little while, as they drain slowly from the cache, but their incidence will be drastically reduced.
In general, any spammers or other dodgy people will be adequately caught with the other criteria on the report.
I have more significant things in the pipeline to improve accuracy (particularly identifying people you care most about), but I have some technical hiccups (broken 3rd party libraries) to work around first. More on that later.