Improving the auto-tweet

Posted by Si Dawson on 04/01/10 in Improvements

The "auto tweet" on the front page is a source of occasional consternation.

There are two specific behaviours that I've tweaked & improved.

1. If you had a problem with Twitter when authenticating, it would default back to tweeting (even if you'd previously deselected the checkbox).

2. People occasionally request a report (with the checkbox ticked, ie - send out a tweet), then a minute or two later seem to change their mind & request another report, with the checkbox unticked (no tweet). I guess they decide to read "Tell your followers" after they've clicked it?

Anyway, I've tweaked both these issues. The option should remember your choice - a bit hard to test, since I can't exactly call up Twitter & ask them to break so I can test things, but it should be good. Plus, if you accidentally select the wrong option, as long as you're quick about it, you should be able to overwrite your previous request by requesting one again - toot suite though!

Accuracy Improved - including lists

Posted by Si Dawson on 29/12/09 in Improvements

Lists are a great new addition to Twitter.

I recently got to thinking (spurred on by @GLComputing - thank you!) about them in a different way.

Lists are groups of people that you've taken the time to say "Hey, this person is important to me." If that's the case, why should you need to tell The Twit Cleaner as well? You've already said it once, after all.

So, now the reports will automatically exclude anyone you've added to any of your lists (including the automated "conversationalist" list). There is a slight issue here with regards to people who've left Twitter but may still be on a list, but in general this will be far offset by the benefit of far fewer false positives on your reports.

As an extra bonus, the benefit (time saved having to check everything) increases the more people you follow - or the larger your lists.